Today was the first day of school and I introduced my students to the Smart Board. I showed a couple of students the set-up procedure so that after many practices they will be able to connect the Smart Board, Laptop, and LCD projector. My goal is to have my students proficient in running the technology hardware and software we will be using in class.
I had the students practice aligning the Smart Board. There were many opportunities for practice because they kept bumping the board or the projector. We practiced writing on the board and many students found it challenging to make legible letters on the board. The shadows of their hands obscured what they were trying to write. To get them accustomed to the markers and erasers I had them practice playing tic tac toe. I drew a tic tac toe grid with the line feature and they put in the Xs and Os. After they got the hang of it I used the tic tac toe game to introduce the idea of writing with transitional words.
I like the idea of using the screen capture tools to save our learning moments. I also look forward to integrating literacy and other content area skills.