Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Overdue Kidspiration Needs vs. Wants Lesson

Here's my lesson for distinguishing needs vs. wants. The students created a multimedia file using Kidspiration to distinguish between needs and wants.
The objective of this lesson is to sort pictures to distinguish between a need and a want as well as to select picture files to add to illustrate understanding of the concept. The digital product will be a Kidspiration file. Students will create a multimedia file including a written or voice recorded sentence stating two needs in addition to listing 5 needs and 5 wants. Students will address technology and operations standards to manipulate media to create interactive media files in Kidspiration.
Learning Objectives:
Students will differentiate between a need and want.
Students will show they can drag and drop files, enter text and/or insert a voice recording.
Students will create, locate, and use digital media and digital media tools to create a multimedia file.
The lesson plans (as well as the other lesson plans from this year) are posted here.

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